Most of the below chat commands are self explanitory, but here for reference purposes. Just type the command at the chat window.
- Dance /dance
- Sleep /sleep
- Fart /fart
- Joke /silly
- Gives current bind location /bind
- Cast spells by name /cast
- List chat commands /chat or /chathelp
- Your character follows selected player /follow or /f
- List guild commands /ghelp
- Send message to party chat /party or /p
- Send reply to the last person who sent you a tell /r
- Send message to people near you /say or /s
- List players online /who
- Yell message to the area around you /yell or /y
- Create an emote /em
- Display amount of time game played with current character /played
- Send text to channel number /
, /c, or /csay - Toggle join and leave announcements on channel /announcements or /ann
- Set your Away From Keyboard flag /afk
- Set Do Not Disturb flag /dnd
- Ban or unban player from channel /ban
- Unban player from channel /unban
- List channels /chatlist
- List channel members /chatwho or /chatinfo
- Invite player to channel /cinvite or /chatinvite
- Join channel /join, /channel, or /chan
- Kick player from channel /kick
- Leave a channel (or all channels) /leave, /chatleave, or /chatexit
- Set player's moderator status /mod or /moderator
- Remove player's moderator status /unmod or /unmoderator
- Toggle moderation on channel /moderate
- Change player's mute permission /mute or /unmute
- Change player's squelch permission /squelch or /unsquelch
- Change player's voice permission /voice or /unvoice
- Change password /password or /pass
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