WoW Mount FAQ

Q. When can I get a mount?
A. Level 40. No sooner. Please don't ask how to get one before level 40.

Q. How much do they cost?
A. 90G.

Q. What's this about "Epic Mounts"?
A. Epic Mounts can be acquired only once you've reached level 60, and they cost an impressive 1000g to buy. They increase your movement speed by 100%, however. And no, that's not an extra 0.

Q. How am I supposed to afford these?
A. Save. It's really not that hard. I'll include a strategy for earning gold for your mount later, but I assure you there's no magical formula. Spending less and selling more will eventually result in you earning 90g. It picks up a bit as you get closer and closer to 40.

Q. So what do I get for my 90g exactly?
A. Besides looking cool riding around on some random animal, when summoned, your mount increases your movement speed by 60%.

Q. Is it really worth it?
A. If it wasn't, do you think everyone would be buying one? In short, yes. However, don't ignore equipment for 20 levels just to get a mount. Careful balancing will result in you getting your mount and still having decent equipment.

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