Allows you to cast spells by name. Type /cast (spell subtext)/em [message]
Example: "/cast Fireball (Rank 1)".
To add spell casting to a macro you can type it manually or shift-click a spell in your spell book to add the proper /cast line to the macro.
Creates an emote./exit
Quit the Game/follow
Target a player and type this. You will follow that player./logout
Log out of the game./invite [player]
Invite a player to your party./party [message]
Sends a message to party chat/played
Reports the amount of time you've played the game with that character./pvp
Enable your character to be attacked by other players in Player vs. Player combat./r
Reply to the last tell/private message. You can scroll through all the people that whispered you recently by typing on the tab key./random [X] {Y}
Generates a random number between X and Y, if Y isn't specified, then it will generate a number between 1 and X. This is very useful to determine who's going to have the right to loot a chest or harvest a resource./say [message]
Send a message to people near you/sit
When standing, your character will sit. Your character regains health more quickly when sitting./stand
When sitting, your character will stand./tell [player] [message]
Send a player a private message. You can scroll through all the people that whispered you recently by typing on the tab key./w [player] [message]
/t [player] [message]
Send a player a private message. You can scroll through all the people that whispered you recently by typing on the tab key./who
Lists the players online./yell [message]
Yells a message to the area around. Many players consider this to be "spam" so use it sparingly.
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