Wow Damage Meter

wow damage meterDamageMeter is dead, cold. Don't you know?

DamageMeters monitors damage and healing done by and to yourself and other nearby players. It keeps a running total for each player and displays the information as a bars chart in a frame on the screen. It is perfect for real-time comparison of the various members of your party or raid. At any time the text results can be output as "says", to raid or party chat, or whispered to another player. Many console commands exist for customizing the meters: type /dmhelp for a listing.

Mirror: Damage Meter 5.8.3 (for TBC 2.4 at CurseGaming) - Updated: Dead link.

Update 1:
DamageMeter is currently not up to date with latest version of wow wotlk. If you coming here to find your most desired damage meter, stay tuned cause we gonna update this post soon for latest and most popular damage meter addon for wotlk.

Update 2:
While you are at it, why don't you all visit this short post at wow insider about damage meter? It worth reading for a while. It talk about the reason why some people really care about damage meter? Yeah, why?
Breakfast Topic: Damage Meter

Damage Meter Comparison by Altitis

Thread you might want to check out about damage meter. Both thread are quite old and you might want to consider that.
1. Most commonly used Addons - Check out at damage meter addon section (1.4)
Pimp My UI - Episode Forty Five. - This episode about damage meter.

Update 3:
It's look like the popular damage meter most people used to use is mostly dead, DamageMeter, SW Stats, Assessment, Recap, MinnaStats Damage Meter, all dead. The newest one is DrDamage. It is still in beta version and working on wotlk. Recount and Violation might be available. It is updated with wotlk. Check out soon for full preview.

Update 4:
DrDamage is function not as damage meter. You cannot compare with other as usually you would do. Here DrDamage brief intro from WowAce.
DrDamage displays the calculated, average damage or healing of abilities with talents, gear and buffs included on your actionbar buttons. The addon will also add various information to the default tooltips in your spellbook and on the actionbar.
wow DrDamage addonDrDamage

Updated 5:
Title : Recount damage meter
This addon work similar to DamageMeter, only it present it in graphical approach. It is updated and beta version for wotlk is available now at Curse.
1. Recount at WowAce
2. Recount at Curse

wow Recount addonRecount

Title : Violation damage meter
This one working much similar to damaga meter, with meter style like DamageMeters. Updated with wotlk last month.
1. Violation at WowAce
2. Violation at Curse

wow Violation addonViolation

Thanks to all other site for the picture of corresponding addon.:)

Check it out

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