Earning gold during the early levels in WoW Vanilla can be challenging, especially between levels 30-40, where you might be tempted to spend on gear upgrades, mounts, and consumables. This guide offers effective gold-making strategies for low- to mid-level players, without relying on professions. Professions can indeed be profitable, but they’re best saved for a separate, detailed guide. Here, we’ll cover efficient methods and lesser-known “money hacks” that work well for this level range, so you can save up faster for essentials.

Also, refer to our guide on the money making addon for WoW Vanilla!
1. Farm “Kill-and-Loot” Quests
Questing with kill-and-loot requirements is a great source of early gold. Many of these quests yield repeatable opportunities, offering both XP and loot from defeated mobs that you can sell to vendors or on the Auction House.
- Hillsbrad Foothills: The Yeti Fur Cloak quest in the Yeti Cave can be quite profitable, as it involves killing yetis who drop furs and items to sell.
- Alterac Mountains: Look for the Dalaran wizards who drop lootable items with high vendor value. Some of their items, like Mageweave Cloth, are valuable on the Auction House and highly sought by Tailors.
2. Farm Wool and Silk Cloth from Low-Level Dungeons
Cloth materials are constantly in demand for Tailors and First Aid, making them reliable moneymakers. Certain lower-level dungeons are excellent for farming Wool and Silk Cloth, which sell well on the Auction House.
- Shadowfang Keep (Silverpine Forest) and The Stockades (Stormwind) are ideal for Wool Cloth farming. Wool Cloth typically sells for 1-2 silver per piece.
- Gnomeregan (Dun Morogh) and Razorfen Kraul (Barrens) are suitable for Silk Cloth farming. Silk Cloth has even higher value, sometimes reaching 3-5 silver each.
Selling the cloth directly on the Auction House will yield a better profit than vending it, especially if you check for peak listing times like weekend evenings.
3. Hunt for Rare and “Grey” Weapons
Low-level rare weapons and certain “grey” items (vendor trash) can actually be very profitable due to their higher vendor prices and demand among Twink players (players who intentionally keep characters at lower levels with the best gear possible). These items can sometimes be found in quests, random loot drops, or from rare spawns in certain zones.
- Rare Weapons: Items like the Tomahawk of Agility or Scimitar of the Swordsman can sell well on the Auction House because Twinks will pay a premium for these.
- Vendor Trash: Look for “grey” weapons and armor. These are typically low-value items, but some, especially the high-level ones in the 30-40 range, vendor for 20-30 silver each, making them great for quick cash.
4. Loot Elementals and Other Elemental Ingredients
Elementals around your level range drop valuable items often used in Alchemy, Blacksmithing, and Enchanting. These materials are popular in the Auction House, especially as players look to level up these professions.
- Water Elementals in Hillsbrad Foothills drop Elemental Water, which can sell for a few silver each or more depending on server economy.
- Earth Elementals in Arathi Highlands (near the Witherbark Village) have a chance to drop Elemental Earth, which is useful in various professions and valuable on the Auction House.
5. Focus on High Vendor Value Items in Dungeons
Running dungeons at this level can be profitable, especially if you focus on looting high-value items and rare gear. Even without a high-level party, group quests or soloable dungeons can be lucrative if you target the right loot.
- Razorfen Kraul (The Barrens) and Scarlet Monastery (Tirisfal Glades) both offer items with high vendor values. Scarlet Monastery, in particular, has drops like Scalemail Armor pieces that vendor for more than 20 silver each, which adds up over a few runs.
- BoE (Bind on Equip) Items like the Steelclaw Reaver or Glimmering Mail Legguards drop from certain mobs in these dungeons and can sell for decent amounts in the Auction House.
6. Sell Scrolls and Buff Items
Many mobs drop scrolls (such as Scroll of Agility or Scroll of Stamina) that players are always looking for, especially those who want a competitive edge in PvP or PvE.
- Check the Auction House regularly to see if these scrolls are in demand, and list them when prices are high. Scrolls from levels 30-40 mobs often sell for a few silver each, and they’re lightweight, so they won’t take up much bag space.
- Health and Mana Potions are also worthwhile drops to keep. Lower-level potions like Healing Potions or Mana Potions can fetch higher prices than you’d expect because players don’t always want to craft them.
7. Farm Specific Mobs for Reputation and Coin
Some mobs at this level can drop items that offer reputation gains with certain factions or valuable coins and trinkets.
- Kurzen’s Jungle Fighters in Stranglethorn Vale drop Kurzen’s Head, which is used in repeatable reputation quests. Kurzen mobs are also known to drop items like Jungle Remedy and Silk Cloth, both of which are easy to sell.
- Wastewander Bandits in Tanaris drop Wastewander Water Pouches, which can be turned in for experience and reputation.
8. Participate in Fishing Contests and Sell Your Catch
Fishing might sound boring, but Northrend’s fishing contests are well worth the effort if you want to make some quick gold with a bit of luck.
- The weekly Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza offers rare fish as rewards, and the top three winners receive items that can fetch high prices if sold in the Auction House.
- Even if you don’t win, the fish caught during this event, like the Deviate Fish from the Barrens or Raw Bristle Whisker Catfish, can be sold for decent gold since they’re in demand for crafting.
Final Notes
These strategies should help you gather enough gold to stay ahead in terms of gear and consumables, and even save up for your level 40 mount. Make sure to keep an eye on market prices, and remember that some of these methods fluctuate in profitability based on server economy.
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