The War Within expansion in World of Warcraft introduces players to an immersive storyline and offers new challenges and opportunities for both seasoned veterans and new adventurers alike. This comprehensive leveling guide will cover the best path from level 1 to 80, focusing on speed, efficiency, and maximizing experience gains in Alliance-friendly zones.
This guide incorporates the most reliable strategies from top sources in the WoW community, including quest routing, dungeons, and tips on making the most out of rested experience. Whether you’re new to the game or looking to level your alt quickly, this guide will give you everything you need to level up efficiently and enjoyably.

Levels 1-10: Starting Zones (Human, Night Elf, Dwarf, Gnome, Draenei)
Human Starting Zone: Elwynn Forest
- Recommended Leveling Path: Start by completing the introductory quests in Northshire Valley. From there, follow the breadcrumb quests into Goldshire.
- Quest Tips: Stick to quests that don’t require excessive travel. Once you’ve completed your class quests and the main storyline, proceed to the next area, Westfall, for higher-level quests.
Night Elf Starting Zone: Teldrassil
- Recommended Leveling Path: Begin at Shadowglen and work through quests around Dolanaar. Teldrassil’s tight quest hubs make it one of the fastest leveling zones for early Night Elves.
- Quest Tips: Complete your class-specific quests as they give good experience boosts and will prepare you for Darnassus, where you’ll move on to Darkshore.
Dwarf/Gnome Starting Zone: Dun Morogh
- Recommended Leveling Path: Focus on the quests near Coldridge Valley, then move towards Kharanos and follow the storyline around the snowy terrain.
- Quest Tips: This area is excellent for grouping up with others since many mobs are aggressive and plentiful. Finish these quickly, then head to Loch Modan or head directly to Westfall to begin higher-level questing.
Draenei Starting Zone: Azuremyst Isle
- Recommended Leveling Path: Follow the quests around Ammen Vale and Azure Watch, completing story arcs that introduce you to Draenei culture.
- Quest Tips: The quests here provide ample experience, making it easy to reach level 10 without much backtracking.
Levels 10-20: Westfall, Darkshore, Loch Modan
Upon reaching level 10, it’s time to explore larger zones where you can start grouping with friends or guildmates.
Westfall (Human Route)
- Level Range: 10-15
- Key Quests: Start with “The People’s Militia” and “Defias Brotherhood” chains, both of which offer substantial experience.
- Tips: Stick to the quests within the Sentinel Hill area. Completing the Defias questline rewards gear that will help you in your early journey.
Darkshore (Night Elf Route)
- Level Range: 10-18
- Key Quests: Head to Auberdine for quests like “Bashal’Aran” and “The Sleeper Has Awakened.”
- Tips: Darkshore is a hub of story-driven quests and open fields, which are great for solo players. Completing these quests will prepare you for higher-level zones like Ashenvale or Redridge Mountains.
Loch Modan (Dwarf/Gnome Route)
- Level Range: 10-20
- Key Quests: Quests like “Ironband’s Excavation” and “In Defense of the King’s Lands” provide lots of experience and take you around the map efficiently.
- Tips: When done, consider traveling to Redridge Mountains, where you can continue leveling with more densely packed quests.
Levels 20-30: Redridge Mountains, Duskwood, Ashenvale
Redridge Mountains
- Level Range: 20-25
- Key Quests: Complete “The Everstill Bridge” and “Shadowhide Pendants,” which are both relatively easy to group for and have good experience rewards.
- Tips: Redridge is perfect for players who enjoy grouping, as many quests here require cooperation, especially the infamous elite quests in the area.
- Level Range: 25-30
- Key Quests: Focus on the “Night Watch” and “Stalvan” quests for rewarding experiences and valuable loot.
- Tips: Duskwood is known for its dark atmosphere and is a treasure trove of high-yield quests that won’t require much travel.
- Level Range: 20-27
- Key Quests: For Alliance players, quests like “Raene’s Cleansing” and “The Zoram Strand” are easy to complete solo, making them ideal for leveling.
- Tips: Focus on the eastern Ashenvale quests that are closest to Astranaar, minimizing travel time.
Levels 30-40: Stranglethorn Vale, Arathi Highlands
Stranglethorn Vale
- Level Range: 30-40
- Key Quests: The “Raptor Mastery” and “Tiger Mastery” chains are great for experience and culminate in powerful items.
- Tips: Stranglethorn has a lot of PvP action, so it’s wise to join a guild or find friends who are also questing here for safety in numbers. Grind on the many animals if you want additional experience.
Arathi Highlands
- Level Range: 30-40
- Key Quests: Look for quests around Refuge Pointe that involve taking on the various troll camps in the area.
- Tips: Arathi is less densely populated than Stranglethorn, making it an excellent choice for quieter leveling. By the time you reach level 40, you’ll be ready for a mount, so save up your gold!
Levels 40-50: Feralas, Hinterlands
- Level Range: 40-50
- Key Quests: Focus on “The Writhing Deep” and “Improved Quality,” which provide hefty XP gains.
- Tips: Feralas’ dense jungle terrain is excellent for grinding, with mobs frequently clustered together, saving time and effort.
- Level Range: 40-50
- Key Quests: Take on “The Altar of Zul” and “Witherbark Cages” quests, both of which yield high experience and prepare you for further adventures.
- Tips: The Hinterlands are relatively calm and don’t see much PvP action, making it easier to level without interruptions.
Levels 50-60: Un’Goro Crater, Western Plaguelands, Eastern Plaguelands
Un’Goro Crater
- Level Range: 50-55
- Key Quests: Quests like “The Northern Pylon” and “The Mighty U’cha” are excellent for experience and completion rewards.
- Tips: Grind on the high-level dinosaurs if you have spare time—some even drop rare crafting materials you can sell for extra gold.
Western Plaguelands
- Level Range: 53-58
- Key Quests: The Plaguelands quests such as “A Plague Upon Thee” give players solid experience and great loot options.
- Tips: This is one of the last leveling zones before Outland, so gear up and prepare for harder challenges.
Eastern Plaguelands
- Level Range: 55-60
- Key Quests: “Demon Dogs” and “Blood Tinged Skies” provide decent XP, and they’re good for a small party if soloing becomes too challenging.
- Tips: Avoid heavily PvP-active areas in EPL, as higher-level players frequently pass through.
Levels 60-70: Hellfire Peninsula, Zangarmarsh, Nagrand
Upon hitting level 60, head into The Burning Crusade’s Outland. Outland zones give substantial XP, and you’ll be able to upgrade your gear quickly.
Hellfire Peninsula
- Level Range: 60-63
- Key Quests: Complete the introductory quests at Honor Hold, then tackle the “Zeppelin Crash” and “Return to Thrallmar” quest lines.
- Tips: Hellfire Peninsula offers good mob density and enough experience to carry you quickly to level 63.
- Level Range: 63-65
- Key Quests: “Umbrafen Village” and “The Dead Mire” quests are easy to solo and give decent XP.
- Tips: The mobs here are lower aggro, so this area is perfect for peaceful solo leveling.
- Level Range: 64-67
- Key Quests: “Clefthoof Mastery” and “Windroc Mastery” provide nice XP and gear upgrades.
- Tips: Nagrand is one of the fastest leveling zones due to its layout, so make sure to complete every quest here
Levels 70-80: Northrend – Howling Fjord, Dragonblight, and Icecrown
At level 70, Northrend becomes the primary leveling hub, where Alliance players can choose between starting in Howling Fjord or Borean Tundra. Northrend zones are optimized for questing efficiency, making the 70-80 climb smoother with packed quest hubs and progressive storylines.
Howling Fjord
- Level Range: 70-72
- Key Quests: Start in Valgarde and pick up quests like “Assassinating Bjorn Halgurdsson” and “The Explorers' League Outpost.” These give solid XP and introduce you to the storyline while awarding gear upgrades.
- Tips: Complete most quests in the Howling Fjord zone before moving to Dragonblight, as the close quest clusters allow for fast leveling without needing to travel far.
- Level Range: 72-75
- Key Quests: In Wintergarde Keep, prioritize “Return of the Crusade?” and “The Plume of Alystros” quests, which offer excellent experience and a variety of gear.
- Tips: Dragonblight is central to Northrend’s story, with many quests that chain smoothly from one hub to another. This is also a great area for grouping up with players tackling elite quests, which help level faster.
Grizzly Hills
- Level Range: 74-76
- Key Quests: Quests around Amberpine Lodge, like “A Bear of an Appetite” and “Mountain Giants,” are quick to complete and reward high XP.
- Tips: Grizzly Hills offers rich story-based quests in lush forests, making it one of the fastest solo-friendly zones for mid-70s leveling. Mobs here are less aggressive, allowing you to complete quests efficiently.
- Level Range: 76-78
- Key Quests: Complete quests around The Argent Stand, such as “Clearing the Way” and “Strange Mojo,” which yield high XP rewards and prepare you for later zones.
- Tips: Zul’Drak has many densely packed mobs, so group quests may be easier with help. Complete the temple quests for great rewards that will be useful until Icecrown.
- Level Range: 78-80
- Key Quests: Begin at the Argent Vanguard and pick up quests such as “The Last Line of Defense” and “The Air Stands Still” for substantial experience.
- Tips: Icecrown is designed for higher levels, with densely packed quests and NPC support during tougher encounters. Use flying mounts here to reach quest locations faster, and plan to hit level 80 just before you finish all the Icecrown quests.
By following this structured path, you’ll reach level 80 efficiently while enjoying the storyline and key quests unique to each zone. This guide covers optimal routes and top quest hubs to streamline your leveling journey from 1-80 in World of Warcraft: War Within.
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