Easy 2k Gold Trick that Cost You Only 60 Silver!

This is surprisingly easy method to get the easy gold and kinda of urban legend if I say. This trick has been around so long since the vanilla that it might be so saturated with people trying to make money of it. But it does not hurt for your to know about it now considering the trick still works well. Back in the days people simply ignore and walk by him even though he is selling million of golds!

There is an NPC in Stormwind name Lil Timmy that sell White Kitten. Timmy only sell 1 cat carrier at one time and it's very limited to his spawn limit. What interesting though, this White Kitten sell for only 60 silver but the recorded average price in AH is 1912 GOLD for this item!!


So how to get to Lil Timmy? Below is the Timmy patrol route. The best location said is the bridge between Cathederal Square and Trade District. Just make a macro to target Timmy and fish away to make some profit out of your waiting time. Try out NPCScan addon and it extension NPCScanEx to detect him.
/target lil
/cast Fishing
This is boring but it give serious good money so it worth going for it.

click to enlarge lil timmy!
lil timmy selling his cat! you suck timmy!

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