Top 5 Essential Addon for Efficient Gold Farming

A new player usually start playing happily along the quest line until they found out there many exciting item listed in AH and not having enough gold to buy them suck! Then they go out on quest to make mountain of gold and become rich. Alt-tabbing to desktop and start googling for gold making tips. Then going back to make money ingame they found that they are not efficient enough and alt-tabbing again to learn the efficient way of farming gold. And they found out that there are some addon that assist well in gold making and they start looking for best addon to farm gold. And here you are!

I'm listing top 5 best addon that will hugely assist you in gold farming so that your time spent better in those hard hours.

1. Auctioneer or Auctionator

This is the best of their kind for Auction House price checking. It allow you to scan the AH and use for starter you can see what selling for high price vs what not. This allow you to collect only the valuable materials or items from there.

its even have pricing tool tips which made you easier to pick which loots

2. Bagnon

Keeping your bag organize is essential to be as efficient as possible during farming. Bagnon give overview of all your inventory, bank and keyring.

3. Scrap (One button sell junk)

Massing all those junk gray item can mean serious money. But having to manually click all those grey items is time sink is its hindered your efficiency. Like taking one explosive dump after chuggin one bowl of samyang ramen, scrap provide one click button in vendor windows which allow you to sell all those grey in one satisfying click!

get out!

4. Postal

I know those feeling. The satisfaction on clicking on gold received in your mailbox after selling those item in AH. Ahhhh~
But getting hundred of them everyday is beyond tedious! and postal take care of that by being your post office guy for you.

5. Tycoon Gold Addon?

Absolutely not!! This is by far a scam to make money out of player in WoW. It's have an affliates system which mean even if you search for its review, you will end up with garbage and dishonest and biased review from those reseller that get commission. You best bet to get review is from forum or platform where you can directly ask for opinion.

That is all! You are set to make more gold with above addon, 4 actually instead of 5 as mentioned in the title. I just want to spread the word that item number 5 is a big no no.

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